As the Co-Chair of Asia-Pacific Women of Faith Network, Religions for Peace Asia, Dr. Suphatmet together with the Chair of the network, Rev. Elga Sarapung and the officers of Religions for Peace Asia, Tokyo Office had planned for this face-to-face women meeting since June 2023. The meeting is the first face-to-face meeting for the network’s 12 elected committee members who also serve either as Secretary-General or Deputy Secretary General for Religions for Peace of their respected countries. The meeting aimed to 1) strengthen the bond among the network’s 12 committee members; 2) have them share and learn about their individual works and challenges in the implementation of the works and 3) strategically plan for activities for 2024-2025. Dr. Yunyasit facilitated 3 sessions of the meeting and also delivered the closing remark. On the last day of the meeting, all participants had the opportunities to visit local organizations and learn about their works related to the empowerment of women for peace, reconciliation and anti-human trafficking activities.