The Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies is inviting papers for its next issue (Volume 5, Issue: 2. December 2019) that explore any area related to human rights and peace.
For the next edition, we particularly welcome submissions focusing on children’s rights. In recognition that 2019 is the 30th Anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child a significant part of our Journal will examine how successful States have been in putting their promises into practice. Whilst thirty years is a cause to celebrate the successes in the realization of children’s rights, it is also an inexcusable long time for the continuation of the suffering and abuse that children experience the world over.
The Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies invites authors to submit original research papers, literature reviews, book or article reviews on all issues concerning human rights and peace. All submitted papers will be peer reviewed and published free online and in limited print version.
The deadline for submissions is 10 May 2019. Full submission guidelines are available on the TCI website: https://www.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HRPS