2023 Essay Writing Competition for Undergraduate Students
on Critical Human Rights and Peace Issues
in ASEAN/Southeast Asia
Deadline for Submissions: 12 August 2023 (23:59 GMT +7)
The ASEAN region is home to abundant natural resources, breathtaking sceneries, and rich biodiversity. However, over time, our activities have accelerated the constant destruction of our environment. Climate injustices have, indeed, caused tremendous impacts on our social, economic, and political lives. Extreme weather events, such as droughts and heatwaves and rising sea levels and wildfires have constantly displaced vulnerable peoples and destroyed livelihoods. It has also disrupted our health and well-being. In less developed parts of the region, food and water insecurity and the spread of climate-sensitive infectious diseases have constantly posed threats. Furthermore, we have seen an increase in forced migration and civil conflicts, attacks on environmental rights defenders, and reduced access to basic services, as well as rights and freedoms.
The right to safe, clean, and sustainable environment is espoused in the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (AHRD). In principle, ASEAN member-states have forged a collective commitment to shift from a growth-oriented to a people and planet-centered approach to addressing critical environmental issues. Furthermore, the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) has been at the forefront of this regional agenda. Since 2014, it has been establishing collaborations with relevant organizations, co-designing strategies with affected communities, and achieving action. As we continue to experience climate injustices, it has become more obvious that the protection of the environment has become everyone’s responsibility. Postponing action is no longer an option. Young people, all the more, have a huge stake in this struggle. In this light, the 2023 Edition of our Essay Writing Competition shall serve as a vehicle for Southeast Asian students to raise their voice on diverse issues and lived experiences reflecting the state of the environment and human rights in the region. Moreover, essays are expected to delve deep into intersectional issues impacting the environment at either regional and local levels. Furthermore, we strongly encourage writers to creatively come up with concrete recommendations for policy and action to address climate emergencies/injustices in ASEAN. Essays writers are urged to fully exercise critical thinking and creative expression.
How do you envision a safe, clean, and sustainable environment?
What issues and lived experiences are (directly or indirectly) caused/impacted by climate injustice/environmental degradation at the regional, national, or local levels?
How can ASEAN and its member states be able to fulfill its commitment to a safe, clean, and sustainable environment in all corners of the region? What can AICHR, as well as other ASEAN bodies, do more to facilitate this process?
Southeast Asian undergraduate students currently enrolled in a Southeast Asia tertiary academic institution
- Analytical papers written in English within a maximum of 500-700 words (excluding title, references, notes)
- Essays should be original and should not have been previously published elsewhere.
- Essays must be written only by one person.Font style and size: Times New Roman, 12 points, 1.5 spacingIn-text citations and reference must be in APA (seventh edition) format https://guides.libraries.psu.edu/apaquickguide/intext
- Essays should be submitted in MS Word (.doc/.docx)
- Participants have to accomplish an online form, and submit their essays on to https://bit.ly/3r65YWh
- One person can only submit one entry.
- Submissions are deemed final. Revised versions will not be accepted.
- Organizers’ Shortlist: AUN-HRE, AICHR Representative, IHRP, SHAPE-SEA and NCHR will be reviewing and scoring all qualified entries based on the following criteria:
- 40% Analysis
- 30% Clarity and Structure
- 20% Originality
- 10% Relevance to the Theme
- Popular Vote: The public will get a chance to vote for their top 3 favorite shortlisted essays. Entries will be posted on the SHAPE-SEA website. Names shall be deleted to ensure fairness and objectivity. The shortlisted essay with the most votes win!
- Expert Panel’s Choices: An esteemed group of experts will be reviewing and deciding on the top three essays for the competition. Deliberations will be based on the following criteria:
- 40% Analysis
- 30% Clarity and Structure
- 20% Originality
- 10% Relevance to the Theme
- Experts’ Choice First Prize: Cash Prize of THB 15,000, Certificate of Recognition, and an opportunity to present their winning essay at a regional event this year.
- Experts’ Choice Second Prize: Cash Prize of THB 10,000, Certificate of Recognition and an opportunity to present their winning essay at a regional event this year.
- Experts’ Choice Third Prize: Cash prize of THB 7,000, Certificate of Recognition and, an opportunity to present their winning essay at a regional event this year.
- Most Popular Vote: Cash prize of THB 7,000, Certificate of Recognition and an opportunity to present their winning essay at a regional event this year.
- Shortlisted essays will be given a Certificate of Appreciation and will be published on the SHAPE-SEA Website.
- Deadline for Submission :
- Announcement of Winners :
12 August 2023 (23:59 BKK Time)
30 September 2023
For any inquiries,
contact us at: aunhre.secretariat@gmail.com