Workshop on Academic Journal writing and publication

On 15 July 2024, the Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies, in collaboration with the Global Campus of Human Rights – Right Livelihood organized a workshop on Academic Journal Writing and Publication at Room 324, Mahidol Learning Centre, Mahidol University and via online meeting.

The event began with opening remarks by Dr. Bencharat Sae Chua, who acknowledged the pressure academics face to publish their work. She emphasized that the workshop aims to help academics produce meaningful and impactful journals that not only meet university criteria but also benefit society.

The workshop aims to support academics in enhancing their ability to promote their work at the international level. Key messages from Dr. Helen Hanna included the importance of understanding your audience and approaching publishing as a conversation with other contributors. She also provided advice and recommendations from the perspective of an academic journal editor. In the afternoon, Dr. Chayanit Poonyarat offered tips for preparing academic writing. The event concluded with lecturers Ngamsuk Rattanasatian and Asst. Prof. Yanuar Sumarlan sharing and introducing platforms for publishing academic papers.

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