On August 17-22, 2024, Dr. Suphatmet Yunyasit, Program Chairperson, M.A. in Human Rights and Democratisation (International Program) and Asst.Prof. Dr. Naparat Kranrattanasuit, were invited by the Global Campus of Human Rights, Italy to be resource persons for the training program ‘Human Rights and People’s Diplomacy’ in Dili, Timor-Leste. This training project is the 32nd consecutive project organized and supported by the Global Campus of Human Rights (Venice, Italy) in collaboration with the Faculty of Law and Justice, UNSW Sydney, Australia, and the Human Rights Center of Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL), Timor-Leste. There were 28 participants attending the training. They are from various countries in South and Southeast Asia.
On the same occasion, Dr. Suphatmet and Assistant Prof. Dr. Naparat also visited the Human Rights Center at UNTL. They were welcomed by Prof. Dr. Armindo Maia, the Center’s Director and his staff. They exchanged with one another on the activities for the promotion of Human Rights among youths, the challenges in running the center, seeking partnerships with institutions and fund-raising. Dr. Suphatmet and two Thai participants of the training program were also invited for a lunch meal with Thai Ambassador to Timor Leste, Mr. Athipat Rojanapaiboon and his team from the Royal Thai Embassy.