On November 6 – 7, 2023, Dr. Chomkate Ngamkaiwan, lecturer of the Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies, Mahidol University, was invited to participate and present the paper proposed a conceptual framework integrating Nash Equilibrium to address business and human rights issues at the 5th International Conference of Law and Governance in a Global Context (icLave), hosted by Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia.
Dr. Ngamkaiwan’s paper proposed a conceptual framework integrating Nash Equilibrium, a fundamental concept in game theory, to elucidate enlightened self-interest in the realm of business and human rights (BHRs). The developed game theory matrix was designed to navigate the complex dynamics of corporate decision-making in relation to human rights considerations. Four different case studies were employed to illustrate different scenarios resulting from the decisions made by business and affected parties, including the analysis of payoffs and tradeoffs of their decisions.