Civil Society

Social Engagement


Civil Society :

Civil society in the Deep South is driven by both the creation of mechanisms for collaboration at the local level and the advocacy of issues. That is to say, building a mechanism for cooperation at the local level is to play a role in supporting civil society organizations in the area. At the beginning of the end of 2012, it was to promote the integration of the Narathiwat Civil Society Organization Network Coordination Center. This initiative is a mechanism for building participation in the Southern Border Provinces Civil Society Council. The result is a more pronounced collaboration, especially in the reinforcement of the peace process. Subsequently, IHRP has also worked with civil society and politics to help push civil society proposals into the political process and push for a commission to study and monitor the peace dialogue process. This raises the level of collaboration mechanisms from the local level to the policy level.

In advocating issues, it involves many dimensions, such as natural resources and the environment, promotion of the role of children-women-vulnerable groups, victim remediation, human rights, religion, and culture, etc. At the same time, IHRP also provides academic services by providing knowledge and skills to support the peace process in the Deep South, especially dialogue, as a tool for working on this issue.

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