Dr. Michael Hayes, Dr. Suphatmet Yunyasit, Lect. Ravi Prakash Vyas and 3 APMA students attended the 2024 Global Classroom-Student Conference in Bishkek and Issyk Kul, Kyrgyzstan.

On 17-22 June Dr. Michael Hayes, Dr. Suphatmet Yunyasit and Lect. Ravi Prakash Vyas (from one of APMA’s partner universities) attended the 2024 Global Classroom-Student Conference in Bishkek and Issyk Kul, Kyrgyzstan. The three lecturers also served as discussants and chair of panel discussions in which 30 students of 8 Global Campus regional hubs participated in. At this conference, 3 APMA students namely Mr. Rizky Ashar Murdiono, Ms. Anusha Shrestha and Ms. Nattida Phonyong presented their papers. Ms. Anusha won the 3rd prize of the Best Presenter Award offered by Global Campus organizing committee. After the conference, Dr. Hayes, Dr. Yunyasit and Lect. Vyas attended the June meeting of Global Council and GC’s Academic Affairs Committee. At the meeting they discussed strategic and operational issues with colleagues from the Global Campus Venice headquarter and from other regional hubs. Moreover, APMA program also cements their support for and cooperation with MAHRS-Global Campus Central Asia, which is a newly established hub founded by the GC headquarter and the OSCE Academy, with the signing of MOU. The MOU will allow the two hubs to collaborate on many issues, particularly the student exchange activity, and will be implemented in the coming semester (1/2024).

Photo by Global Council-Global Campus

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