Asst. Prof. Dr. Padtheera Narkurairattana, was invited to deliver a visionary perspective for Buddhist-Christian International Network.

On 14 November, Asst.Prof. Padtheera Narkurairattana delivered her academic visionary perspective on Political Perspective based on Human Rights and Peace Studies under the theme: Political Perspective (Religious Extremism and Terrorism, Ethno-religious Nationalism and Right Wing Populism, Migration and Refugee Crisis, Religious Persecution and Freedom of Religion, Corruption) on the 7th Buddhist-Christian International Colloquium titled: Cries of a Wounded Humanity and the Earth: Voices for the voiceless From Human Rights and peace perspectives. She proposed how to learn from the voiceless people’s suffering to heal and prevent those suffering from happening again in the future by focusing on how to strengthen human rights, democratization, and peaceful means.                             

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