The IHRP (Mahidol University, Thailand) welcomes applications [holding a PhD] for a new position of Foreign Expert which includes academic journal editorial responsibilities as well as teaching and academic skills development.
The Foreign Expert will work to ensure high quality publications of the Institute’s Human Rights and Peace Studies Journal –a bilingual journal that is TCIJ ranked and seeks to qualify for SCOPUS.
The Foreign Expert will also support the professional development of faculty and its graduate students. The IHRP runs international and Thai-language masters and PhD programs.
Located 20 km west of Bangkok, the Salaya area where the IHRP is located, boasts a green campus, affordable housing and easy access to Bangkok.
Review of application will begin January 15, 2021, and continue until January 29, 2021.
Please contact Dr. Bencharat Chua (bencharat.sae@mahidol.edu)
for further information and follow https://bit.ly/3gGITAk for a fuller description of the position.
Mahidol University Annoucement : Application for Foreign Expert