Dr. Suphatmet Yunyasit
Telephone : (66) 2-441-0813 to 5 ext. 2135
E-mail : suphatmet.yun@mahidol.edu
Education history:
Ph.D. (Anthropology and Sociology)
The National University of Malaysia, Malaysia: 2012
International Masters
Regional Integration, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain and Asia-Europe Institute, University of Malaya, Malaysia: 2004
B.A. Western Language (Spanish)
Chulalongkorn University: 2001
Academic specialization / Area of Interest:
- Buddhist Minority in Malaysia and the South of Thailand, Ethnic and Religious Minority Identity, and Majority-Minority Interaction
- Religion in Conflict, Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding, Interreligious Dialogue
- Youth Participation in Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding
- Non-state Actors’ Roles in Peace Process
- Cultural Rights of Minority Group, Identity Construction and Consolidation
Academic contributions:
Research results
Published scholarly article (Journal article)
Yunyasit, S. & Baybado, P. (2022). Interreligious dialogue in Thailand and the Philippines: Overview, trends and trajectories. Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, (8)1, 54-85. 9/0.6 2022
Book chapter (Edited book)
Yunyasit, S. (2022). Implementing development approach to conflict prevention in an on-going conflict context: Experience, challenges, and lessons-learned from Thailand. In Y. Guo & I G. A. W. Puja. (Eds), Sustaining peace in ASEAN and the Asia-Pacific: preventive diplomacy measures (pp.19-46). Singapore: World Scientific. 8/1 2022
Published research work (Journal article)
San, E. E. M., Aye, E. P., & Yunyasit, S. (2021). Teaching ethnic language as a subject in primary school to enhance access to education of children of ethnic minority groups: A case study of teaching Kayin
language at primary schools in Thandaunggyi township, Kayin state, Myanmar. Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 7(1), 97-122. 9/0.6 2021
Published research work (Journal article)
Win, A. M. & Yunyasit, S. (2021). Implementing of Free, Compulsory Primary Education (FCPE) in the urban setting of Myanmar: A perspective on challenges and strategies from state and non-state actors of three townships of Yangon. Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies, 7(Supplemental issue on Myanmar), 71-100. 9/0.6 2021
Other positions: